A little over a week ago, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise resurfaced in New York City after about a month’s absence from the public eye following the Oscars. Tom is probably still filming One Shot in very sensitive manner, but his girls are in NYC for the first time since the MI4 promotional photoblitz that took place last December. Since their emergence from probable reprogramming, Katie and Suri have been papped all over the place and while entering and exiting their apartment building. As always, Suri has been incredibly fashionable, but Katie’s look has been decidedly unkempt. In particular, the Mail has been giving her hell for stepping out with wet hair and badly applied makeup. While Katie likely hasn’t gone entirely make-up free, it sure looks that way in a few photos, and In Touch reports that this is a very calculated move on Katie’s part. It seems that Tom loves it when his wifey gets all dolled up; he can’t stand it when she steps out looking slightly less than perfect, and Katie is well aware of this. So Katie is reportedly doing all of this on purpose just to put her foot down and show Tom that she’s not entirely under his thumb. Is it true? Who knows, but go Katie:
Fight the power! Katie Holmes appears to be rebelling against her husband, Tom Cruise. According to a friend, Tom, 49, prefers that Katie, 33, never leave the house unless she looks perfect, but lately she’s been running around town dressed casually and sans makeup one day a week. “Tom can be controlling, but Katie no longer lets it get to her,” the friend says. “there are days when she leaves the house without even taking a shower. He wants to project a glam image at all times, but Katie finds it exhausting.” Hope she knows there’s low-maintenance — and just gross.
[From In Touch, print edition, April 9, 2012]
In Touch is officially branding Katie’s strategy as “no-makeup Mondays,” but I’ve gathered photos from assorted days of the week, none of which were taken on a Monday. So this story might be total crap and only based upon Katie getting a little bit lazy with her grooming habits. While she doesn’t look that bad without makeup, her hair has been pretty stringy lately. At least she could blow dry it before heading out, right? Maybe add at least a little eyeliner and mascara too. Poor Tom must be having fits, and I can sort of see his perspective on this. After all, he never leaves home without makeup (or his cute little lifts), so he probably figures it’s just the thing to do. One must look pretty at all times according to Tom.
These next few photos are described by Fame/Flynet as Katie resembling “a member of ZZ Top,” but I’m getting much more of a Cousin It vibe. Either way, it’s not a good look.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News
This story is stupid as she’s been going out w/out makeup for years. She’s always worn little to no makeup when she’s not at an event.
and we would really give someone props for “standing up to her husband” and not wearing make-up? really? it’s 2012. this seems hopelessly decades ago. rather pathetic, especially if this story is true.
Her hair is getting so long! I love it.
I also really love her outfit with the red shirt tucked into those awesome jeans. I want all of it, please.
Besides the crazy picture with the brown fedora, she actually looks much better when she’s casual than when she’s all glammed up. That picture of her in the blue with the beige cardigan and a coffee cup looks fantastic. She looks young and fresh, and naturally beautiful.
Also, really with the criticizing the hair shot? Um, it’s been (really) windy in NYC lately. So, her hair blew in her face. Big whoop.
I love that look, too. She looks like a grad student.
same! Katie has cute style when she’s not wearing overalls or floral jumpsuits. And I love how she’s always rocking those 1970s-style flared jeans. She has the long legs, so why not?
Must be the aliens inside her making her do it. Get the e-mater out, quick!!
What’s wrong with going out without makeup???
And why are Suri’s legs always banged up and bruised?
Here, here! I’ve got a MAC collection that is the envy of all my friends…and I *rarely* wear makeup. Too much work. I figured my husband loves me the way I am, so why go through the effort if it’s unnecessary?
Re: Suri’s legs. She’s a kid. Kids run and play, bump into things, fall down. Emerson is covered in bruises too (poor thing got his momma’s “grace”). He actually has a bruise on his cheek from running into the wall. Yes. You read correctly. He ran into a damn wall. He is SO his mother’s child.
Agree on the no makeup, but gonna have to say lay off of Suri about her banged up legs. She’s a kid. Kids play, fall down, get banged up. Just typical childhood battle wounds.
Hell, MY legs get that banged up!
Sorry, WHY should she put on eye liner or mascara? Sometimes makeup can be an absolute pain and it’s generally something we do for other people (or for ourselves, to feel more comfortable with how others see us), so why not just not wear anything? She looks nice from what I can see in the photos. She’s a person, not an object who always needs to be dolled up.
Poor suri (last pic).
cracked up at the cousin it reference
I don’t have a problem with Katie going w/o make-up because she’s not horrible w/o it, but I have a problem with this:
WTH? That’s a no-no.
Since when is the natural aging process a no no? I don’t get it. If she doesn’t want to wear makeup or color her hair, why should she? She’s beautiful and obviously content with how she looks naturally. I say more power to her. Not every woman can do it.
She does have really nice skin. And I’ve always felt that long hair suits her better than the ‘Posh Spice wannabe’ bob.
i like Katie not “dolled” up all the time. It reminds me of how she was pre-Tom Cruise and on her Dawson’s Creek days!
She’s beautiful. I wish I looked that good without make-up!
Katie always looks like crap. No new story there.
…btw i am always completely baffled by the people who say she is pretty / beautiful / stylish.
Hahahaha! Now Tom wants Katie all dolled up? When they first got married it was the exact opposite! He insisted she shouldn’t wear makeup because he preferred her all natural! What a bunch of BS.
She is really lovely without it.
How many more years before her bearding contract is up?
I figure right before their 10 year anniversary & it will be cryptic on Toms part “she knows what she did”
Get down with your bad self, Katie.
LOL at 3rd and 4th photos! >_<
She has great skin and doesn’t need a lot of makeup. Love the last picture, must have been a glitch in her programming, she just needed a quick re-set.
I don’t have any issues with her styling–clothes, hair, or otherwise–but I DO have a problem with the perpetually vacant look in her eyes.
Damn, she has lots of great jeans. I totally need to get some flairs!
I go out with wet hair every day… Id have to get up thirty mins earlier to dry my hair everyday and i prefer sleep! Plus i dont like using the heat so much…
She sure wears that pilly sweater a lot. And almost always has on those hidge tan suede boots. But yeah, argree with above- she runs around dressed like sh-t more often thsn not. Wonder what the point of their publicists creating this particular story?
I feel more confident with my hair and makeup done, but there are times when I actually find it really liberating not to wear makeup. That said, I also went through a brief period in my youth where I was surrounded by a lot of Posh Meangirls and not wearing makeup or caring about my clothing became my own form of rebellion, the only way I could assert myself. So there’s that.
Or maybe she just didn’t care? I always find it surprising that’s she goes so contempo-casual most of the time, what with the jeans and sweaters, when I sort of thought as Tom Cruise’s wife she’d have access to the most beautiful clothing, plus hair and makeup people whenever she wanted them. Salma Hayekt *always* looks gorgeous. Then again, it would grate me to look like a model 24/7. She doesn’t have to go to work, I guess she figures she might as well be comfortable.